You have no items in your shopping cart.

Profile: arronhayre


    So we can correctly track conversions within facebook pixel tracking manager.
    It would really help us.

    Many thanks for your help so far.

    6 years ago


    Is it possible to bring out the product name and category for multiple products too?


    6 years ago

    Yes I do mean the pixel purchase event.
    You can see here in the documentation they have:

    fbq('track', 'Purchase', {
      content_name: 'Really Fast Running Shoes',
      content_category: 'Apparel & Accessories > Shoes',
      content_ids: ['1234'],
      content_type: 'product',
      value: 199.50,
      currency: 'USD'

    The two tokens i would like added are:

       content_name: 'Really Fast Running Shoes',
       content_category: 'Apparel & Accessories > Shoes',

    6 years ago

    For example in your plugin currently i can do:

    fbq('init', '%MerchantId%');
    fbq('track', 'Purchase',{
    orderId: '%OrderId%',
    customeremail: '%CustomerEmail%',
    currency: '%Currency%',
    value: '%OrderTotal%',
    productid: '%ProductId%',
    quantity: '%Quantity%'

    I would like to add two more tokens which would be:
    name: '%ProductName%',
    category: '%Category%'

    This has been done in this plugin before: however it is out of date and does not support 3.8/3.9 NopCommerce.

    Here is the official facebook pixel documentation which shows this:


    6 years ago


    Im currently using your tracking code manager plugin however i require a few more tokens, if that is possible?
    Would it be possible to add the following tokens?

    Product name
    Category name
    All product ids instead of the first

    Many thanks,

    6 years ago

    Our client would like it where the pixel could be fired when the add to cart button is pressed.
    I don't think that customers would be smart enough to edit/remove the Facebook pixel.

    I believe they would like to track and do market research on how many people add items to cart, but never go to the shopping cart.

    Would you not be able to add two options into the plugin? One which allows the add to cart button click Facebook fire event, and one for when you land on the shopping cart page?

    I also have a separate question. I have just bought the plugin with a single domain license. Does the single domain license also allow sub-domains?


    6 years ago

    The tracking code i am trying to fire is when a button is clicked. For example when the add to cart button is clicked, and then the facebook pixel tracking code is fired.

    Is this possible?

    6 years ago

    >NopTemplates Real one page checkout plugin

    The plugin is:

    The url is:

    >"Add to cart"
    We are using the original nopcommerce logic with the _AddToCart view

    6 years ago


    I am currently using the 3.80 version.

    I have two questions regarding the plugin:

    1) I have NopTemplates Real one page checkout plugin installed and wish to use your plugin simultaneously. However when i include your plugin on the page "Initiate checkout" it never fires. Is there anyway to make your plugin work together with the NopTemplates real one page checkout?

    2) I have made another tracking code which fires on the page "Add to cart". I can't seem to see where this view is within NopCommerce, so i cannot see if the tracking code is working. Would you be able to point me to where this "Add to cart" view is in the project?


    6 years ago

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