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Profile: NetPotential



    Thanks for the updates. I think what you've done is perfect for what we are trying to achieve. Thanks for all the help!

    6 years ago


    I saw that you added it as one of the permissions in the access control list and that is great.

    It does show the widget when you check that permission under a specific role and hides it otherwise. However, while it does show the widget under the roles that I have granted the permission unto, it does not let me access that widget further and any items under that widget would show up as "You do not have permission to perform the selected operation. Access denied.".

    Granting access to the widget for specific roles means letting them modify things inside the widget as well so I believe this is a bug. Let me know if you need any clarification. Thanks!

    6 years ago


    That is perfect! I think that is exactly what we need. Thanks!

    6 years ago


    We don't really want to use jquery hacks to hide the anything in the admin area as these are prone to problems. I could see the css working but this does not cater our need to show the widget on specific user roles. I think your previous suggestion to resolve the problem is a much better choice.

    6 years ago

    Hi, is there any update on this?

    6 years ago


    Thanks for the swift response. When you say create a new permission role, do you mean a separate item under the Access control list which we could then tick/untick or is it new permission that is strictly tied to a specific role name? Thanks!

    6 years ago


    We've purchased your Tracking Code Manager plugin and was wondering if there was a way to hide the widget in the admin area for specific user roles. This is important to us as we have multiple roles that can access admin and some of them are limited to only specific functionality. We don't want them to access the Tracking Code Manager plugin widget. Thanks!

    6 years ago

    Thank you for your reply. What I'm actually trying to achieve is, in a product page, show all the linked articles separated by group. For example:

    Group 1

    - article
    - article
    - article

    Group 2

    - article
    - article

    I looked into the links you've provided but it's different from what I need, and I've been trying to edit the code but couldn't achieve it.

    Thank you!

    7 years ago


    Is there a way either to

    a) Separate by groups in a list view
    b) Know which groups an article belongs to (in the _ArticlesBlock)


    7 years ago

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