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    Support wrote:

    >Show advanced fields:
    Google has got many attributes.
    We selected only important attributes.
    By default you see this list. If you want to see all attributes set check "Show advanced fields"
    You can change this list.

    OK, yes. I understand this much.
    However, my problem is that in the feed, I want to change this:

    to this:

    So that Google will re-evaluate my disapproved item. If you do not send different title AND ID, they will not.

    How can I affect the Id value in the feed? Which advanced field to use?
    9 years ago

    Support wrote:

    No, but we can make new value (checkbox) on plugin Configure page.
    Use simple name for feed name [v]

    How better to call it?

    Maybe this:

    If a value is supplied in "Custom feed file name", do not append any values.

    If no value is supplied in "Custom feed file name",  auto-name file as storename_language-currency_storeid.xml
    (This would be fore people who do not already have their Google Shopping feed registered.)

    9 years ago

    Support wrote:

    > "Copy data from Froogle"
    Yes, it was good.
    Plugin copies only values

    You should set taxonomy category manually (per feed, per category, per product).

    Oh, problem. I thought it was supposed to also copy the google category.
    This is a very flexible plugin!
    9 years ago

    Support wrote:

    >"Don't export new products checkbox"
    If you create the new product plugin marks it  "Export - No".
    All new products will have got attribute "Export - No".
    You should manually change it to "Yes" or "Inhered".
    Maybe you want to review all new products.

    OK, that makes sense.
    9 years ago

    One more question (sorry)
    When I generate my feed, the language, currency, and store number(?) are being appended to the file name.

    example:     myfeedfilename_en-us_1.xml

    Because my feed name is already registered with Google one way, I can't let the plugin change it or my feed will be dropped and then need to be re-approved again as different feed. I can easily rename the file on the server each time I generate new file, but would rather the name be generated correctly.

    Is it possible to remove these appended values from feed filename?

    Thanks again,

    9 years ago

    One other question..when you check the "Don't export new products checkbox", what criteria does it use to determine if product is new...datecreated? How old/new? 1 week or 1 day, etc??


    9 years ago

    Support wrote:

    > "Copy data from Froogle"

    If you use default NopCommerce plugin Froogle you can copy Froogle setting to your current feed, ex. Color, Size, etc.

    8. How to export product specifications.

    When I click the button, it gives confirmation that the Froogle feed was successfully copied.
    I expect to see the default google category taxonomy values for many of my products to show the value I have saved in the old google plugin, but those values are never copied to the new feed. Do I first have to change each of the products to not be "inherit"? Then it will copy correctly?
    9 years ago wrote:

    When using the product export filter, I see no way to modify the value supplied for product ID.

    When I check to "show advanced fields", I see this field:
    identifier exists Submit custom goods:

    Is this where I supply a different default value for the product ID?

    9 years ago

    Also, please explain what happens when you click on "Copy data from Froogle" button. Does it just copy existing feed file with same name from /Content/files/ExportImport/ folder?

    9 years ago


    I've learned that once Google dis-approves an item for a policy violation, it is impossible to get them to re-approve it without modifying it's title (product name) and product ID. We do not wish to create new product ID's for these products, but would prefer to just modify the product name that is sent in the feed..but not what is displayed on our site.

    I have been using the official nopcommerce Froogle/Google Shopping feed plugin, but it does not allow me to override the product name or product ID values submitted in my feed.

    I have installed and am configuring your FeedManager plugin and have questions.

    When I click into Product Filter tab and open the category in tree so that I can see my product names in that category, if I click Edit button beside product which I want different name and ID, new window pops up...
    I see no way here to modify value supplied for product ID.

    When I check to "show advanced fields", I see this field:
    identifier exists Submit custom goods:

    Is this where I supply value to override product ID?


    9 years ago

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