+ added support TikTok (nop 4.60 and never versions)
+ added support custom tokens for the order completed page (nop 4.40 and never versions)
+ fixed the bug with the template Adwords Enhanced Conversion
+ added the template Adwords Enhanced Conversion
+ added prefix "ads_" for events for Google Ads tracking codes
+ added prefix "dynamic_remarketing_" for events for Google Dynamic Remarketing tracking codes
- fixed bug for 'shopping cart page' tracking codes (ex. Facebook Pixel event AddToCart)
+ add new feature - create one tracking code for all stores (if you use multistore)
- changed tracking codes for Google Dynamic Remarketing (we use this documentation https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/7305793)
- fixed crytical bug with product IDs (nop 4.40)
+ several small improvements
- fixed a bug with product Ids for product attribute combinations (you can track them for Facebook now)
- fixed a bug with Facebook Pixel for the checkout step "Payment Info"
+ added the new token %OrderNumber% - the number of the nop order (old releases had a token %OrderId%)
+ added support JS codes for new pages: "Checkout Shipping Address, Checkout Shipping Method, Checkout Payment Method, Checkout Payment Info, Checkout Confirm"
+ added the new token %AllCustomerRoles% - the list of customer roles with comma sepator, ex. 'Administrators,Forum Moderators,Registered'
+ fixed the bug "XSS vulnerability in some of our customers nopCommerce stores" on the search page.
+ added several new tokens:
%ProductName% - the price of the product on the product details page
%ProductUrl% - the Url of the product on the product details page
%ProductPictureUrl% - the picture Url of the product on the product details page
+ cosmetic fix (add the tracking code '' on the page Login-CheckoutAsGuest - we'll send the event "cart")
+ changed the tracking codes for Google Dynamic Remarketing for multipages checkout
- fixed bug with wrong product ID for AddToCart event (Facebook)
- fixed bug - wrong JS code if customer used several discounts at once (cumulative discounts)
+ changed the kernel of the plugin for nop 4.30
+ added support product attribute combinations on product details page for Facebook Pixel and Twitter Pixel
+ added new token %CustomerFullName% - customer's full name
+ added new parameter in each tracking code (Exclude TAX, Exclude Shipping and Payment Fees)
- remove parameter "Include TAX" from plugin configure page
+ added new parameters for Custom tracking code (Controller and Action names)
- some cosmetic fixes
+ added new token %OrderTotalInCustomerCurrency% - Order Total in customer currency
- fixed bug if your store use muticurency (didn't convert the order total in local curency of the order)
- added new parameter "Hide customer's private data in tracking code (GDPR)"
- added new tags for pixel for GoogleTag Manager link
'UserType': '%AccessControlGroupName%'
and for order completed page
'OrderDiscountsApplied': order_discounts_applied_list,
- fixed issue with wrong order ID for custom tracking code on order completed page if customer refreshed the page (plugin has to remove this custom tracking code)
+ added support product combinations Sku, Gtin, MPN
+ added new feature "use order ID or order number as transaction ID"
+ added tracking code for Google Ads Tag (https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/7305793)
- fixed bug for nop 4.10 (don't save another Product Key)
%OrderTaxTotal% - Order TAX Total
%OrderShippingTotalInclTax% - Order Shipping Total Include Tax
%OrderShippingTotalExclTax% - Order Shipping Total Exclude Tax
+ upgraded tracking code form Skroutz link
+ added new tracking code for Tag Manager on Order completed page (Standard Ecommerce) link
+ added support new tracking code for Metrilo
+ added support new tracking code for ProductsByTag page (Google Tag Manager)
+ added support Twitter universal website tag code (Twitter Pixel)
+ changed the kernel of plugin (important fix!!!)
+ changed the logic for token '%EstimatedDeliveryDate%'. If customer selected PickUp In Store, plugin will set current date.
+ added new token %NetProfit% = profit of order
+ added new two tokens for custom tracking code for Order Completed page:
%EstimatedDeliveryDate% - estimated delivery date for customer's order
%DeliveryCountryCode% - delivery country code for customer's order
- fixed bug for Google Tag Manager (added in the 1.22 release, don't add tracking code on order completed page).
- fixed bug for Google Dynamic Remarketing (added in the 1.21 release).
+ changed all templates (moved extra tags, ex. <scripts> in the external template)
+ added data-fixedscript="1" token for fixing place tracking code in the page (if you use external plugin PageSpeed plugin and want to move JS script to bottom of the page).
- changed the palce of code for Google Dynamic Remarketing (new place between the <head></head> section of the page, old place was in the <body> section of the page). We use now this recommendation link. We used this recommendation before link.
- fixed crytical bug for Google Dynamic Remarketing code on search page
- fixed the bug (the token %OrderTotal% not working) link
+ added support Google Dynamic Remarketing (new format) link
- fixed bug for Google Tag Manager (if you use SKU as product key (string) on cart page)
- fixed bug for Google Tag Manager (double tracking code after release 1.16)
+ performance optimization
+ clean code
- removed own tokens for FaceBook, Google Tag Manager, etc. and use one token for all networks %TEMPLATE_DYNAMIC_CODE%
- fixed bug for Criteo OneTag (empty e-mail for Guests)
+ added support tracking codes for linkwi.se and skroutz
- removed own tokens for Twenga and Criteo OneTag and use one token for all networks %TEMPLATE_DYNAMIC_CODE%
+ added new token for Criteo OneTag (mobile or desktop)
+ fixed bug for Twenga Tracking Script (doesn't work for old nop versions)
+ added new templates Criteo OneTag and Twenga Tracking Script
- removed template GoogleTagManagerNoScript (we use one template GoogleTagManager for all scripts)
- removed parameter 'Position of script'
+ added new feature. Each template has three block of code "before end of tag HEAD, after tag BODY and before end of tag BODY". You can use one template for all scripts, example Google Tag Manager has tracking code in different places.
- fixed bug on order Completed page "added the tracking code after refreshing the page again, plugin didn't send pixel code twice because has tokens instead of values"
+ added new token %ProductIds% - list of product Ids from customer's order
+ added FaceBook Pixel for all pages fbq('track', 'PageView');
- removed tempale for adding badge for 'Google Customer Reviews'. We did plugin Google Customer Reviews with extra paramaters.
+ added 'dataLayer' for 'Google Tag Manager' on all pages
+ added new parameter 'PageUrl' in 'dataLayer' for 'Google Tag Manager'
+ added 'dataLayer' for 'Google Tag Manager' on all pages
+ added new parameter 'PageUrl' in 'dataLayer' for 'Google Tag Manager'
+ removed Facebook Pixel if category/manufacturer/vendor page doesn't have any products (empty)
+ changed Facebook Pixel for 'Purchase' track.
for one product
fbq('track', 'Purchase', {
content_name: 'Custom T-Shirt',
content_category: 'Apparel >> Clothing',
contents: [
{ 'id': '29', 'quantity': 2, 'item_price': 15.00 }
content_type: 'product',
value: 30.00,
currency: 'USD'
for several products
fbq('track', 'Purchase', {
contents: [
{ 'id': '29', 'quantity': 2, 'item_price': 15.00 },
{ 'id': '30', 'quantity': 1, 'item_price': 43.50 },
{ 'id': '25', 'quantity': 1, 'item_price': 27.56 }
content_type: 'product',
value: 114.39,
currency: 'USD'
+ add new ACL type "Plugin. Admin area. TrackingCodeManager. Manage tracking codes.".
- fixed bug for Facebook Pixel (remove track ViewContent for Home page, Blog, Article and News pages, Facebook ADS reccomends to use this track ViewContent ONLY for product's pages)
- fixed bug for Facebook Pixel (plugin adds new custom tracking code 'ViewCategory' for advanced custom activity) link
+ added support new template 'AdWords Remarketing Tag' - all pages and all values
+ addes new tokens for custom scripts:
%UniqueUserId% - Unique user id
%ProductId% - the first product ID from the order or ID of the product on product page
%ProductPrice% - price of the product on page of the product
%PageType% - type of pages, ex. cart, wishlist, search, product, category, manufacturer, vendor, ordercompleted, homepage, completeregistration, initiatecheckout, news, blog, article, anotherpage, etc.
- fixed bug 'The tracking code for Google Analytics and Google Universal Analytics is not displayed'
- fixed bug 'The tracking code for All pages is not displayed'
+ added new feature 'the store's owner can select what product Ids he wants to map, ex. Id, Sku, Gtin, Manufacturer part number '
+ added support 'Google Tag Manager'
+ changed kernel of plugin (plugin uses Widgets now)
+ added new feature 'Name' and 'Type of tracking code'.
- fixed bug with Facebook Pixel for product view page.
- fixed bug with 'wrong Create2.cshtml'.
- added support Facebook Pixel Dynamic Ads (content_ids and content_type parameters)
- fixed a lot of bugs for Facebook pixel.
- added support Google Analytics
- added new token {GOOGLEID} and two special tokens for Google Analytics
- plugin adds 'completed order' tokens only one time for one order, if you open 'Competed Order' page again you will not see any tracking codes. It helps to avoid double tracking.
- add new feature, you can order tracking scripts
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