+ changed LinkedIn scopes (old scopes were deprecated)
+ removed Facebook Account Kit (deprecated)
+ removed Google Sign-In Web (deprecated) and replaced with Google Sign-In
+ changed the kernel of the plugin
+ fixed bug for new LinkedIn application link
+ added support Google Sign-In
- changed API for Google (Google stopped support G+)
- changed API for LinkedIn (LinkenIn uses new OAuth API 2.0) - nop 4.00-4.20
- fixed bug for Vk.com (nop 4.00-4.10).
- cosmetic fix. If hacker or bot uses fake request plugin for Social Login plugin, the one will not save notification about it in nop log.
- fixed bug for Amazon.
+ V2.0 was released. We changed kernel of plugin and added support not full profile. All versions were redeveloped.
- important fix for Google. Google hides empty fields (ex. 'gender').
- important fix for Facebook. Some of sites can't parce JSON from Facebook. We added support two algorithm.
+ Facebook changed internal API, all responces uses Json now (we changed plugins for all nop versions).
- fixed bug with mixed up first name and last anme for Google link
+ added support Github
+ added support Facebook Account Kit
- fixed bug with Google OAuth (plugin didn't read customer's firstname and lastname)
+ added support Pinterest.
+ added new feature "read birthday and Avatar from Facebook" (from Nop 3.40).
+ added new feature "Popup Login window for Facebook" (from Nop 3.60).
+ added new feature "Show social login buttons on registration page" (from Nop 3.60).
+ added new feature "Redirect url after log-in".
+ plugin uses email as username for new customers with username authentication.
+ added support "migrate shopping cart" for new registered customers.
+ added support LinkedIn OAuth 2.0
+ added support FoursQuare OAuth (NopCommerce version 3.4 and later)
+ added support Instagram OAuth (NopCommerce version 3.4 and later)
+ added support PayPal OAuth (NopCommerce version 3.4 and later)
- removed support Google OpenId
+ added support new Google+ API OAuth 2.0
- fixed bug for multistore
+ added support Amazon and Microsoft accounts.
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