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Internal Links (SEO)

Internal Links (SEO)


SEO. Carries out internal website linking to raise your website’s ranking in search engines.

Using this plugin, you can improve your website’s ranking in search engines for specific category pages. You select key phrases or words for the chosen product category and separate them with commas. A comma is required at the end. This phrase will be displayed at the bottom of the category page. The plugin divides this phrase into segments (using commas and periods) and generates links to the parent category on the subcategory and product pages. These links are permanent.
The Google search bot detects these links and checks whether they are static. If there are many such links (from multiple products), it helps to raise the category page's ranking in search results.
    If we want the iPad product category to rank higher in search results, we can add the SEO phrases: "Buy iPad in New          York, buy iPad in Washington, free shipping for iPad, buy iPad." The plugin will divide these phrases into segments            (using commas and periods). Each segment will begin with a capital letter and end with a period.
    Buy iPad in New York.
    Buy iPad in Washington.
    Free shipping for iPad.
    Buy iPad.
    These segments will be randomly (but proportionally) assigned to products and groups within the category. For                example, if you open the iPad Mini 4 product page, a link to the parent category will be visible at the bottom with the      text: "Buy iPad in Washington." This link will be static and will remain on the page.



Old SEO Phrase:
Buy iPad in New York, buy iPad in Washington, free shipping for iPad, buy iPad.

New SEO Phrase:
Buy iPad in New York, buy iPad in Washington, buy iPad, buy iPad in Chicago.

The plugin will find all products that had the link "Free shipping for iPad" assigned and will replace it with the new link "Buy iPad in Chicago."



1. Multi-store.
2. Multi-language.
3. You can set SEO-phrase links for each product and category.

Demo version is fully operational. It has only one limitation – 10 SEO phrases. Registration removes this limitation.

Compatible for NopCommerce 4.70(MSSQL), 4.60(MSSQL), 4.50(MSSQL), 4.40(MS SQL), 4.30(MS SQL), 4.20, 4.10.


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