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Profile: wtpinc


    Yeah, that's still not working. Any other suggestions?

    4 years ago

    Yes, created a plugins folder under FoxnetSoft.FeedManager and put that file in that folder.

    Does it go in the root folder?

    4 years ago

    So why would it not pick it up?

    Here's the snippet from the XML file:

        <FeedCaption>Manufacturer Part Number (MPN)</FeedCaption>
        <ConvertValues />
    4 years ago

    I'm trying to add a plugin and it isn't doing anything. When we add the plugin to the feed xml is it case sensitive or requires lower case?

    public class FeedManagerPlugin
            public virtual string ReadAttributeValue(Product product, ProductAttributeCombination productAttributeCombination, string feedColumName, string typeFeed)
                if (product.Sku.StartsWith("WN-") || product.Sku.StartsWith("WU-") || product.Sku.StartsWith("WR-") || product.Sku.StartsWith("WI-"))
                    return product.Sku.Substring(3);
                    return product.Sku;
    4 years ago

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