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Profile: Isaura


    Google Tag Manager

    price is showing - price: 367.01, quantity: 1, it should display 343.00.  It's including Tax.

    Transaction total is showing  'transactionTotal': 403.81, it should be 343.00.  Transaction total includes Tax and Delivery Charges.

    Product amount: 343.00
    Delivery Charges: 34.39
    Tax: 26.42
    Total amount: 403.81

    Google Tag manger Datalayer:
    window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
    var order_product_list = [];
         { id: '329', price: 367.01, quantity: 1 }
        'email': '',
        'value': '403.81',
        'currency': 'USD',
        'orderid': 968,
        'ProductIDList': order_product_list
        'storename': 'HRdirect | Smart Solutions to Help Solve Your HR Tasks',
        'transactionId': '968',
        'transactionTotal': 403.81,
        'transactionTax': 26.42,
        'transactionShipping': 36.80,
        'transactionProducts': [
         { 'sku': '329', 'name': 'Forklift Training Set Bilingual', 'category': 'Safety Training', 'price': 367.01, 'quantity': 1 }

    Thank you.

    4 years ago

    Just to confirm I want the product price and the transactiontotal to NOT include tax.  I have the includeTax in the configuration unchecked but those fields are still including the tax.


    4 years ago

    I want the transactionProducts list and transactionTotal to NOT include tax.

    4 years ago

    Also, the price in the transactionProducts list includes tax.

    4 years ago

    I have the same problem, have this issue been resolved?  Thanks.

    4 years ago

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