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    hex codes:


    we keep finding more each time.

    6 years ago

    We fixed the issue on one product and find it on multiples. We did not have this issue before the upgrade.

    Please advise.


    6 years ago

    In the debug log file, there are a lot of these errors:

    Error. Cann't export product Id=57095, errorMessage=The Writer is closed or in error state.

    6 years ago

    Once added and tried to generate feed, but gives this error:

    System.InvalidOperationException: The Writer is closed or in error state. at System.Xml.XmlWellFormedWriter.AdvanceState(Token token) at System.Xml.XmlWellFormedWriter.WriteEndElement() at FoxNetSoft.Plugin.Feed.Manager.Core.GoogleCustomFeedClient.GenerateFile(Stream stream) at FoxNetSoft.Plugin.Feed.Manager.Core.CustomFeedClient.GenerateFeed(FeedRec feed, IList`1& reportMessage) at FoxNetSoft.Plugin.Feed.Manager.Core.FeedManagerExport.ExportFeed(FeedRec feed, Boolean uploadFTP)

    How can we fix this?

    6 years ago

    We have uploaded the new file & cleared everything out.

    I have a product with additional charge, but I still do not see the shipping block in the xml file. It should look like this but I don't see it:


      <g:price>15.99 USD</g:price>


    6 years ago

    Yes, that box. But only g:price is required under shipping. So make the other 3 optional.

    Let me know when updated.


    6 years ago

    There should be another Caption named 'Shipping Price' that we can use Additional Shipping Charge as the value. This is required by Google.

    It should look like this in the xml file:

    <g:price>6.49 USD</g:price>

    $6.49 would be a value in Additional Shipping Charge

    6 years ago

    How can I send in a custom shipping amount for Google Shopping?

    I see shipping weight & label, but I don't see a field to send in a shipping charge.



    6 years ago


    I love the Feed Manager plugin and it has been useful for months. I'm having an issue though.

    I want to remove a certain product from my Google feed. So I go to the product and select Exported equal to "No". Once I generate the Google feed, it is still available in the XML.

    What am I doing wrong?

    7 years ago

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