You have no items in your shopping cart.

Profile: scnopdev


    Why did I have this error?

    PayPalService. CreatePayment. payment.json={"intent":"sale","payer":{"payment_method":"paypal","payer_info":{"billing_address":{"country_code":"IT","postal_code":"20101","state":"MI"}}},"transactions":[{"amount":{"currency":"EUR","total":"21.70","details":{"subtotal":"11.64","shipping":"6.15","tax":"3.91"}},"description":"","invoice_number":"067ba841-4861-409b-ad1f-1dc117f74ae1","item_list":{"items":[{"name":"Item(s)","quantity":"1","price":"11.64","currency":"EUR"}],"shipping_address":{"recipient_name":" ","city":"Milano","country_code":"IT","postal_code":"20101","state":"MI"}}}],"redirect_urls":{"return_url":"","cancel_url":""}}
    2019.07.13 20:23:13:9694*******
    Error. PayPalService. CreatePayment. (PayPalException).
        PayPal error: Invalid request - see details (VALIDATION_ERROR)
        payer.payer_info.billing_address The combination of country and city is invalid
    4 years ago

    In addition to the previous issue check also the availability when the product is discontinued.

    At the moment you send "availability":, but you right value is "availability":

    5 years ago

    Dear Sirs, Google warn us about missing field 'aggregateRating' in rich-cards with more than 1 review for a product ( Thank you

    5 years ago

    You can see an example here:

    <script type="application/ld+json">
      "@context": "",
      "@type": "Product",
      "name": "Executive Anvil",
      "image": [
      "description": "Sleeker than ACME's Classic Anvil, the Executive Anvil is perfect for the business traveler looking for something to drop from a height.",
      "mpn": "925872",
      "brand": {
        "@type": "Thing",
        "name": "ACME"
      "aggregateRating": {
        "@type": "AggregateRating",
        "ratingValue": "4.4",
        "reviewCount": "89"
      "offers": {
        "@type": "Offer",
        "priceCurrency": "USD",
        "price": "119.99",
        "priceValidUntil": "2020-11-05",
        "itemCondition": "",
        "availability": "",
        "seller": {
          "@type": "Organization",
          "name": "Executive Objects"

    This come from -> Examples -> Single Product Page -> JSON-LD Example -> SEE MARKUP.

    The field value for example is:

    Thanks a lot

    5 years ago

    Hi, in json+ld plugin is missing the 'Condition' field. Can you include as an optional value configurable for all the products ? I.e. in plugin settings 'New' for all.

    Thank you,

    5 years ago

    Dear sirs,

    it seems that the latest plugin 'RichCards-JSON' (for nop 3.9) has an issue with the gift cards.

    From log:
    System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: input in System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(String input, String replacement) in FoxNetSoft.Plugin.Misc.RichCards.Controllers.RichCardsWidgetController.

    Here you can view the issue (rendering fail):

    Thanks in advance

    5 years ago

    found the answer looking at 'shopzilla.xml' ->

            <NewValue>In Stock</NewValue>
            <NewValue>Out of Stock</NewValue>

    7 years ago

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