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Profile: jaacretailers


    Hello,  i just bought a Sticker plugin from you. It is fantastic and i really good. I am currently evaluating the Simple checkout and i have a question. I use the Norton Shopping guarantee program and they need the below code. Can you please help what need to be filled ?

    _GUARANTEE.Guarantee.order = 'Checkout.OrderNumber';
    _GUARANTEE.Guarantee.subtotal = 'Checkout.Total'; = 'Checkout.Email';
    _GUARANTEE.WriteGuarantee('JavaScript', '_GUARANTEE_GuaranteeSpan');


    <span id='_GUARANTEE_GuaranteeSpan'></span>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="//*********"></script>
    <script type='text/javascript'>
    if(window._GUARANTEE && _GUARANTEE.Loaded) {
    _GUARANTEE.Hash = '**********************';
    _GUARANTEE.Guarantee.order = 'Checkout.OrderNumber';
    _GUARANTEE.Guarantee.subtotal = 'Checkout.Total'; = 'Checkout.Email';
    _GUARANTEE.WriteGuarantee('JavaScript', '_GUARANTEE_GuaranteeSpan');
    <!-- END: NSG_GUARANTEE -->
    7 years ago

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