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PayPal Smart Payment Buttons

PayPal Smart Payment Buttons


Payment plugin for PayPal Smart Payment Buttons (Server-Side integration).


PayPal Checkout with Smart Payment Buttons gives your buyers a simplified and secure checkout experience. PayPal intelligently presents the most relevant payment types to your shoppers, automatically, making it easier for them to complete their purchase using methods like Pay with Venmo, PayPal Credit, Credit Card payments, and other payment types.

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This plugin uses the new Rest API v2 Server-Side integration. If you use our plugin PayPal Express Checkout you need to disabled it. This plugin uses Rest API v1.

- use REST API v2 - Server-Side integration (PayPal stopped support the client side integration after July 31, 2024)
- support Authorize, Capture, Refund and Void methods payments
- don't support Recurring Payments (PayPal doesn't support it for Smart Payment Buttons)
- support multi-currency
- customize the PayPal Buttons
- support PayPal credit promotional messages

We have another PayPal payment plugins 'PayPal Express Checkout', 'PayPal Plus' and 'PayPal Standard Pro'.

Not registered version is fully operational. It has only one limitation. You can do 100 payments in unregistered mode. You can try it free.

Compatible with NopCommerce 4.70, 4.60, 4.50, 4.40, 4.30.

How to install and configure the plug-in.

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