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CDN Connector

Thursday, August 17, 2017

CDN Connector will help you to add support any CDN services. Plugin is very plain.

You can add support MaxCDN, KeyCDN, CloudFront, CloudFlare, etc.

Set new CDN URLs for pictures, CSS and JavaScript files and plugin will change URLs with new values. Plugin changes ALL URLs for external resources for the page.

1. You can set own URLs for pictures, CSS and JavaScript files.
2. Plugin has very GOOD performance and support with any nopcommerce plugins.
3. Plugin has a function 'Purge cache'. You can use it if you plan to change one picture, CSS and JavaScript file on HDD disk and want to notify CDN servise about it. This fuction is only for developers.
We have plugin Google Pagespeed Tools and this plugin has function 'minification pictures, CSS and JavaScript files'. Plugin Google Pagespeed Tools can update minified files in CDN network using function 'Purge cache' in CDN Connector plugin.

We added support most popular CDN services from the box -  MaxCDN, KeyCDN, CloudFront, CloudFlare (for function 'purge cache').

Not registered version is fully operational. It has only one limitation (30 days trial period). Try before buying.

Compatible with NopCommerce 3.90.

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