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    why plugin create new customerguid on every login. without filling any fields.

    8 years ago

    sign is working fine BUT if a user is already registered with their email and they try to sign up again with social media which uses the same email than there is no error that the user already exists
    same is the case if a user has same email signed up for instagram, facebook and google than they should get an error if they already have signed up using one method previously

    8 years ago

    sign is working fine BUT if a user is already registered with their email and they try to sign up again with social media which uses the same email than there is no error that the user already exists
    same is the case if a user has same email signed up for instagram, facebook and google than they should get an error if they already have signed up using one method previously

    8 years ago

    sign is working fine BUT if a user is already registered with their email and they try to sign up again with social media which uses the same email than there is no error that the user already exists
    same is the case if a user has same email signed up for instagram, facebook and google than they should get an error if they already have signed up using one method previously

    8 years ago

    i need a sign up and login button functionality separate separate. your plugin give both functionality on one button,
    my requirement little bit change according to my feature. first customer sign up with social networking. if he already login then simple he login  with social networking.

    8 years ago

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