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Profile: Scott



    Is there a way to inject the tracking code on custom controllers/actions?

    In other words it seems like it's only pushing the PageType.ProductPage dataLayer variable on pages that have a controller name of Product and action name of ProductDetails.

    We have some custom controllers/actions that we'd like to inject the ProductPage code on but there doesn't seem to be a way to do that currently.

    For example we can name our custom controller action ProductDetails as well and have it inject only based on action (rather than controller + action) if that's a feasible solution on your end.


    4 years ago

    Support wrote:

    I need to think.
    Write me on Monday

    Will do. If it makes it easier, you should simply deduct the tax and shipping amount you pass to transactionTotal - because most Google Analytics users would prefer to exclude those amounts from revenue since tax and shipping amounts are passed through to 3rd parties (tax authorities and shipping company).
    4 years ago

    Support wrote:

    'Include Tax'  - this parameter is for product prices.

    transactionTotal - order total with tax and shipping fees.
    transactionTax - order total tax.

    I can add the new parameter 'transactionSubTotal'
    transactionTotal - order subtotal value (with or without TAX)
    What do you think?

    No, because Google Analytics only looks for the variable transactionTotal, it won't recognize transactionSubTotal.

    You should make another checkbox in the Settings called 'Include Tax & Shipping In Order Total'. If unchecked, then you don't include tax/shipping amounts in the transactionTotal variable amount. If checked, then you include tax/shipping amounts in the transactionTotal variable amount.


    Then you can also rename the existing Include Tax setting to be called 'Include Tax on Products'
    4 years ago

    To clarify, I do not want to include the Tax amount in the transactionTotal value that is passed to dataLayer for Google Analytics ecommerce tracking, only the order subtotal before tax and shipping should be passed to transactionTotal variable. I am OK with keeping the tax amount in the transactionTax variable.

    4 years ago


    The amount of Tax is being included in the Total value passed to the dataLayer in the Google Tag Manager script even though the setting 'Include Tax' in Configuration is not checked.

    Please fix this so that the Tax amount is not included in the Total value amount.


    4 years ago

    Support wrote:

    I did it.

    Hello, but there is no 4.2 folder in the ZIP folder. And the 4.1 file doesn't work on 4.2. Please check again. Thanks
    4 years ago


    Please upgrade this plugin to NOP 4.2


    4 years ago

    Support wrote:

    I did it,
    Try and write me about result.
    But I added one list of discount for the order.

        'OrderDiscountsApplied': order_discounts_applied_list,


    The requested discount_amount value is not in the order_discounts_applied_list object. The discount_amount value should the the calculated savings amount in numeric monetary terms that the coupon saved the customer.

    discount_amount:  %the calculated $ value of the discount regardless if type was $-off or %-off%}

    The rest looks good.

    4 years ago

    Scott wrote:


    On the order confirmation page, please add a dataLayer object containing any available discount information, including Discount Code, Discount Amount.

    Similar to the ProductIDList object.


    Let me know if this makes sense but should only apply to a $-off or %-off discount. If the discount requires a coupon code then the code's string value should be output in discount_code, if the discount does not require a coupon code then discount_code value can be an empty string but still output the discount_amount.

    var item_discounts_applied_list = [];
         { id: %sku%, discount_type: %output 'percent' or 'dollar'%} discount_code: '%applied_code%', discount_amount:  %the calculated $ value of the discount regardless if type was $-off or %-off%},

    var order_discounts_applied_list = [];
         { id: %orderid%, discount_type: %output 'percent' or 'dollar'%, discount_code: '%applied_code%', discount_amount:  %the calculated $ value of the discount regardless if type was $-off or %-off%,
        'ItemDiscountsApplied': item_discounts_applied_list,
        'OrderDiscountsApplied': order_discounts_applied_list,

    4 years ago

    Scott wrote:


    Please add a UserType value to the dataLayer object.

    Possible values should be:
    guest (anonymous user)
    customer (a logged-in customer)
    admin (a logged-in Admin user, so we know if it's an employee)


    Should be added to dataLayer object like the following based on access control groups (Administrators, Guests, Registered, Vendor, etc - whatever access control group the user is currently in)

          'UserType': '%AccessControlGroupName%'

    4 years ago

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