You have no items in your shopping cart.



    There's an issue.

    For fields that are empty, they need to be set as empty values in the CSV.

    Say, I want to export these fields:

    Sku  Price  PriceCost  OldPrice  TierPrices  Name of product  Url

    But some of my records do not have TierPrices.  The exported row looks like this:

    NCEVKP-001A600,99.94,0,0,"Kraft Envelopes",,

    The correct way should be:

    NCEVKP-001A600,99.94,0,0,,"Kraft Envelopes",,

    Notice the blank value after the second zero.

    I'll will email you my exported data.  If you open it in excel you will see what I mean.

    FYI: You may need to remove the trailing comma in the exported row.  It's not needed.

    5 years ago

    Would be nice to include the Product Name in the Export as an optional field.


    5 years ago

    Would be nice to include the Product Name in the Export as an optional field.


    5 years ago

    >2. Do you want to create PayPal payment and then create nop order with YOUR order id?

    We're close.

    Let's continue what you are doing.  Create a Paypal payment, then create a nop order using the current nop order id.  We don't need to change anything on the nop order.

    BUT add way to send to Paypal my order number (whether as the Invoice ID or a Custom Data).  My order number can be sent to Paypal at the time when the Paypal Payment is executed OR sent as an update to Paypal after the nop order is created.


    6 years ago

    Thanks for the details.

    Yes, we were contemplating on using PayPal Standard Pro but it would not work for our needs. We need PayPal payments approved and Nop Order created at the time when the order is placed.

    We tested PayPal Plus - but working with our Paypal support person, he could not make it work with our account.  He said something that they don't support it and directed us to use PayPal Express instead.

    We are thinking of using CSS to hide the dropdown on the Confirm page prior to executing the order - that way the customer can not change the shipping method.  

    For the Order Number, the CustomValue Dictionary is available on ProcessPayment prior to being saved in the orders table - not sure if you can send that as part of the ExecuteOrder to PayPal.

    Or, if you prefer, PayPal's API does allow an update method.  After the ExecuteOrder, may be send an update using the token id and replace the Invoice ID with the Order Number (or pass it as Custom Data to PayPal).

    I hope this helps.  Thanks!

    FYI, I have a call to tomorrow with our PayPal support person on why I can see the transaction go through the merchant but not the buyer.

    6 years ago

    We generate our own custom order number before we commit the order to the database; this is different from NOP's Order ID.  

    We have a centralized order number generator we use to allow us to share the fulfillment of orders across multiple disparate websites.  We generate the order number and add it to the custom values of the PaymentProcessing request that is passed to the PlaceOrder method on the OrderProcessingService.  

    What we'd like to do is to have you take that custom value and use that rather than the GUID if possible for the Invoice ID.  If there was a way for us to specify a key to the row of the Custom Values dictionary through your plugin configuration interface for example, then you could pull the value of that key and replace the GUID with this.  If not specified, default to the GUID.

    Most enterprise level businesses have similar needs with their order number tracking.

    Here's an example of Order.CustomValuesXML:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?><DictionarySerializer><item><key>Order Number</key><value>MAM728201</value></item></DictionarySerializer>


    6 years ago


    The update works, the selected Address book record is preserved.

    However, I don't see the transaction in PayPal Buyer account but I do see the transaction in the PayPal Merchant account.  This might be an issue in PayPal.  I'll have to speak with our PayPal support rep to see if this a configuration issue.

    Now that I see the transaction in the Merchant reports, could we pass a CustomValue to PayPal?  Here's the use case, we don't use NOP Order guid for tracking orders - we have our own "Order Number" which we generate and save as a key-value pair in the Order.CustomValueXML.

    This "Order Number" is what we send to UPS/Fedex.

    Could the plugin have a config that if you specify a key, it will pass that to PayPal?  It can serve as the Invoice ID or if not, just have it stored in PayPal so the buyer and merchant can use that as a reference.


    6 years ago

    Not working.

    It still uses the Paypal email address then creates a new record in the Address book.

    Is there a new setting for this that I may have missed?

    Emailing you the logs.


    6 years ago

    We only have the Paypal button enabled at Checkout as payment option.

    This way the Billing and Shipping Address is selected from the Address Book.

    1. Shopper adds an item to the Cart.
    2. Shopper clicks checkout on the Cart page.
    3. Selects a Billing Address from the list of records from NOP's Address table which includes the email address.
    4. Selects a Shipping Address from the list of records from NOP's Address table which includes the email address.
    5. Shopper selects a Shipping Method.
    6. Selects a Payment Method, picks Paypal Express.
    7. Logs in using Paypal account (this can be different from the email address selected in the Billing Address/Shipping Address from NOP.
    8. Shopper approves the purchase on the Paypal modal.
    9. On the ConfirmOrder page, the Billing/Shipping Addresses is now changed to the Paypal account instead of the original email address from NOP's Address table.

    It would be better that the original email address was preserved instead of being switched to the Paypal login.

    6 years ago

    Is there way for the Billing Email Address and Shipping Email Address not to use the PayPal login but instead use the one the customer picks in the Address Book?

    Say, I start a checkout process.  For my Billing Address and Shipping Address in NOP, I picked  Then I select Paypal Express.  My paypal login is  On the ConfirmOrder page, the Billing Address and Shipping Address email is changed to joe@paypal.  I would like to preserve that as

    We're using v3.90

    6 years ago

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