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Profile: ivan.villa78


    I take this opportunity to ask a question, what is the date format to use in the import manager?
    I tried the utc format but it always tells me the wrong date format:

    4 years ago

    Good morning, disabling the QueuedMessagesSend was useless, but by doing some tests I discovered that if I enable the plugin and if I also select all the options contained in "Enable check table Products", "Enable check table Categories", "Enable check Manufacturer table" and the only "Address property list" section of the "Enable customer table control", everything works well and there is no reboot, but just select one option from the" Property list "section of the" Enable customer table check  the site continues to restart.

    4 years ago

    Hi, I installed the "History of Changes 3.0" plugin and it works perfectly but unfortunately it creates a problem with the site: keep restarting the site (img1) in the log file there is nothing in the History of Changes file I don't understand . Do you have any idea what is wrong or what is wrong? One thing is certain, if I disable the plugin there are no more site restarts.

    4 years ago

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