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Profile: valda.sung1978


    Yes THANKS for the reply,

    But the trial setting can only use surcharge by percent.
    Can it be surcharged by fix rate?

    4 years ago

    I have some requirement about shipping rules setting, could you please help me figure out is it possible to setup through this plugin?
      1. We Sold different manufactures goods, they will dispatch product independent, so i need to calculate shipping fee  by manufacture. When user buy manufacture A AND B together, we need a rule to surcharge by fix fee. Not surcharge by percent.

       2. what's the definition of order SubTotal ?
           if i set the requirement group :
            manufacturer=A   AND order subtotal>1500 AND order subtotal<3000
           does that mean the rule will affect only when user buy manufacturer A's product and the sum of A's price between 1500~3000?

    4 years ago

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