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Profile: Scott



    Please add a UserType value to the dataLayer object.

    Possible values should be:
    guest (anonymous user)
    customer (a logged-in customer)
    admin (a logged-in Admin user, so we know if it's an employee)


    4 years ago


    On the order confirmation page, please add a dataLayer object containing any available discount information, including Discount Code, Discount Amount.

    Similar to the ProductIDList object.


    4 years ago

    Review has been posted - thanks so much!

    4 years ago


    It works perfectly now!


    4 years ago


    For the Cart page I am still not seeing the AttributeCombo SKU value in dataLayer. I confirmed that the inventory is set to track for attributes. In regards to your question about if Cart is updated, I do not care about that right now, only concerned with outputting correct Attribute Combo SKU on initial page load

    For the order confirmation page, I reconfirmed that the correct AttributeCombo SKU was still being passed to dataLayer but was still not being passed to the ProductIDList object in dataLayer. I am less concerned with this compared to Cart page since I can always parse transactionProducts object for the correct SKU since you are correctly outputting that now.


    4 years ago

    Hello, was hoping this could be addressed in the next update. Let me know. Thanks!

    4 years ago


    That works, however as far as I see the only spot the correct Sku is being passed to is in the transactionProducts object on the order confirmation page.

    The correct Sku should also be set everywhere else a Combo Sku is being output, such as:

    Cart page in the cart_product_list array that is passed to the dataLayer

    Order Confirmation page in the ProductIDList array that is passed to the dataLayer

    4 years ago

    I don't see the image that I pasted here, if you need the image I can email it to you directly.

    4 years ago


    In version 1.35 you had built a feature request for passing the AttributeCombination Sku value to the dataLayer but it doesn't seem to be working as expected.

    If you look at this image, you'll see that the AttributeCombination SKU has a value of B-3 however this value is not being passed to the dataLayer, instead the Simple SKU value of B is being passed to the dataLayer.

    We need the AttributeCombination Sku value to be passed to the dataLayer.

    Hope this image clarifies the request.


    4 years ago

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