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Profile: filippo.monti


    I'm using nop version 3.9 and I've a problem in the plugin.

    I've defined 12 buttons (all published) and only on a button I've associated a product.

    In the product preview I see 12 buttons and not only one (the associated one).

    The problem don't arise if i made the same but with manifacturers association

    6 years ago

    It's possible to add a property BreadCrumb on FoxNetSoft.Plugin.Misc.RFQ2.Models.RFQFormModel?
    I need to modify RFQForm.cshtml adding at the beginning

    @section Breadcrumb
       @Html.Partial("_ProductBreadcrumb", Model.Breadcrumb)



    6 years ago

    How I can know if a product has a button "Request a quote"?.
    I would need to hide the button "Add to Cart"  (and other informations).
    On the product I would have "CallForPrice" property.
    I would need a "method" to read the [FNS_RFQProduct] table but it's impossible because it's in a plugin but I can't refer the dll


    6 years ago

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