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Profile: Deano


    I have been doing a bit of digging and it seems to be our X-Frame-Options header, we have X-Frame-Options:SAMEORIGIN and if I remove the header on my development solution it seems to work fine.

    I don’t think there are any issues with your plugin, more likely to be on our site, I will set the debugging flag and have a look at the logs anyway just to see if there is anything in them.

    Thanks for your help, much appreciated.

    5 years ago


    We purchased your PayPal Express checkout plugin a while back and it seems to have been working fine, however, we have recently been getting customers call us and say that they have tried to pay using PayPal Express, the PayPal window opens and the user logs into PayPal but at that point they are redirected back to an empty web basket and doesn’t display any errors or warnings.

    We have verified this happening and it appears to be happening on mobile devices more than desktop, we tried it on an iPhone 5 and had the same issue.

    I have checked the web logs etc. but haven’t been able to find anything that looks like a PayPal express error, do you have any pointers to help us find out what the issue might be?

    Kind Regards

    5 years ago

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