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    v.1.16  is not working for me.

    Using the Export feature with the settings: SKU, Create Header line, checked all pricing checkboxes and selected All tier prices in one row format.

    The file exported with 'n/a' instead of blank for the NULL fields.

    Importing the same file with the settings: SKU, Skip header line, checked all pricing checkboxes and checked Remove old tier Prices; does not work.

    I'll email the test import file and the log.

    6 years ago


    6 years ago

    We tested the plugin against our Large Database (e.g. 100K categories)  there was a slight performance issue.  It took a few seconds to load.  It's b

    The issue is the HTML build of the Category dropdown.  NOP takes time.  We've solve the issue on some of our own plugins.  We use a stored procedure to generate the hierarchy instead of using code.  

    Sharing this SQL statement:

    ;WITH cteCategoryHierarchy AS
    SELECT Id,
           HierarchicalPath = CAST(' >> '+ [Name] AS VARCHAR(4000)),
       FROM dbo.Category  
           WHERE ParentCategoryId = 0 and Deleted = 0
    SELECT c1.Id,
           HierarchicalPath = CAST(ch.HierarchicalPath + ' >> '+ c1.[Name] AS VARCHAR(4000)),
       FROM dbo.Category c1
      INNER JOIN cteCategoryHierarchy ch ON c1.ParentCategoryId = ch.Id
      WHERE  c1.Deleted = 0
           RIGHT(HierarchicalPath, LEN(HierarchicalPath) - 4) as [Text],        
            Id as [Value]
       FROM cteCategoryHierarchy
      ORDER BY HierarchicalPath
      --for JSON PATH

    It's actually very fast.  If you are using JSON for passing the data back as an object, just uncomment the the last line and the JSON data will be prebuilt by SQL.

    Thanks for all the help.

    6 years ago

    Works great.  Thanks!

    6 years ago

    Downloaded, installed, restarted IIS, then re-installed again.  

    v1.14 does not have the latest changes for the Export format.

    6 years ago

    v1.13 works.  T

    he new Import logic works beautifully.  It addresses real world needs, where a store can have multiple tier prices for the same quantity for different Roles (e.g. Business Customers, Preferred Customers) or set a schedule for sale price ahead of time (for Sales calendars are set months ahead).

    One issue though is the Export.  The Export is missing the data for CustomerRoleId, StoreId, StartDate and EndDate.

    Imported this:  


    The Plugin correctly updates the Tier Prices.  When I attempted to export the same record, this is returned:


    6 years ago

    I have access to IIS and restarted the site to make sure the latest 1.12 of the DLL is loaded.

    I send a copy of the test import file and the log.

    1. This version does not allow multiple tier prices for the same quantity.  The last record overwrites the other quantities.
    2. This format does not work for TierPrices {quantity:price:customerrolerid}
    3. The End Date looks like it's copying the Start Date.

    Sample record:


    What the Log is seeing:

        row.ProductKey=GNQS00-019,row.Price=30, row.ProductCost=0, row.OldPrice=30
                     Quantity=1, CustomerRoleId=, Price=30.0000, StoreId=0, StartDateTimeUtc=, EndDateTimeUtc=
                     Quantity=5, CustomerRoleId=, Price=28.0000, StoreId=0, StartDateTimeUtc=, EndDateTimeUtc=
                     Quantity=10, CustomerRoleId=, Price=26.0000, StoreId=0, StartDateTimeUtc=, EndDateTimeUtc=
                     Quantity=25, CustomerRoleId=, Price=24.0000, StoreId=0, StartDateTimeUtc=, EndDateTimeUtc=
                     Quantity=50, CustomerRoleId=, Price=22.0000, StoreId=0, StartDateTimeUtc=, EndDateTimeUtc=
                     Quantity=100, CustomerRoleId=, Price=20.0000, StoreId=0, StartDateTimeUtc=, EndDateTimeUtc=
                     Quantity=1, CustomerRoleId=, Price=28.0000, StoreId=0, StartDateTimeUtc=, EndDateTimeUtc=
                     Quantity=5, CustomerRoleId=, Price=26.0000, StoreId=0, StartDateTimeUtc=, EndDateTimeUtc=
                     Quantity=10, CustomerRoleId=, Price=24.0000, StoreId=0, StartDateTimeUtc=, EndDateTimeUtc=
                     Quantity=25, CustomerRoleId=, Price=22.0000, StoreId=0, StartDateTimeUtc=, EndDateTimeUtc=
                     Quantity=50, CustomerRoleId=, Price=20.0000, StoreId=0, StartDateTimeUtc=, EndDateTimeUtc=
                     Quantity=100, CustomerRoleId=, Price=18.0000, StoreId=0, StartDateTimeUtc=, EndDateTimeUtc=
                     Quantity=1, CustomerRoleId=, Price=28.0000, StoreId=0, StartDateTimeUtc=4/2/2018 12:00:00 AM, EndDateTimeUtc=4/2/2018 12:00:00 AM
                     Quantity=5, CustomerRoleId=, Price=26.0000, StoreId=0, StartDateTimeUtc=4/2/2018 12:00:00 AM, EndDateTimeUtc=4/2/2018 12:00:00 AM
                     Quantity=10, CustomerRoleId=, Price=24.0000, StoreId=0, StartDateTimeUtc=4/2/2018 12:00:00 AM, EndDateTimeUtc=4/2/2018 12:00:00 AM
                     Quantity=25, CustomerRoleId=, Price=22.0000, StoreId=0, StartDateTimeUtc=4/2/2018 12:00:00 AM, EndDateTimeUtc=4/2/2018 12:00:00 AM
                     Quantity=50, CustomerRoleId=, Price=20.0000, StoreId=0, StartDateTimeUtc=4/2/2018 12:00:00 AM, EndDateTimeUtc=4/2/2018 12:00:00 AM
                     Quantity=100, CustomerRoleId=, Price=18.0000, StoreId=0, StartDateTimeUtc=4/2/2018 12:00:00 AM, EndDateTimeUtc=4/2/2018 12:00:00 AM

    6 years ago

    Tried the Start/End Time on TierPrices and there are issue.

    I'll send you copies of the test import file and the logs.

    Below are lines from the log:

    Quantity=100, CustomerRoleId=11, Price=11, StoreId=0, StartDateTimeUtc=, EndDateTimeUtc=
    Quantity=1, CustomerRoleId=, Price=0, StoreId=0, StartDateTimeUtc=, EndDateTimeUtc=1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM

    1. I'm passing 0 to the CustomerRoleId and it's correctly setting it as empty, but not for StoreId.
    2. Looks like Price is reading the CustomerRoleId
    2. StartDateTimeUtc is not reading anything
    3. EndDateTimeUtc is getting a weird NULL date value.

    6 years ago

    We've isolated the issue.  It was on the building the Categories dropdown on the admin page that lists all products.

    6 years ago

    1. We're using 3.9

    2. Login to the Admin.   Click the Catalog menu on the left.  Click on the Products sub menu.  Then CPU goes to 100%.

    6 years ago

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