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Profile: rrogne


    I have several stores, where each store has it's own language. So for instance i have a swedish site where the laguage is Swedish, Norwegian site where language is Norwegian and so on.
    When i was on my Norwegian store the subCategories and Breadcrumb on the category site was not the LocaleValue it were the standard value. This was because the LanguageId was set to zero.

    6 years ago

    Will do, is that check even necessary or could i just remove that whole section -->

    if @LanguageId>0
      declare @countLanguage int
      set @countLanguage=0
      select @countLanguage=count(*)
      from Language L WITH (NOLOCK)
      where L.Published=1
          and (@StoreId=0 or L.LimitedToStores=0 or Exists(select Top 1 Id from StoreMapping sm   WITH (NOLOCK)
            where sm.EntityName = 'Language' and sm.StoreId=@StoreId and sm.EntityId=L.Id))
      if @countLanguage=1
        set @LanguageId=@LanguageId

    6 years ago

    Hi I have a question about a section in your sproc "FNS_CatalogModelFactory_ProductLoadAllPaged".

    if @LanguageId>0
      declare @countLanguage int
      set @countLanguage=0
      select @countLanguage=count(*)
      from Language L WITH (NOLOCK)
      where L.Published=1
          and (@StoreId=0 or L.LimitedToStores=0 or Exists(select Top 1 Id from StoreMapping sm   WITH (NOLOCK)
            where sm.EntityName = 'Language' and sm.StoreId=@StoreId and sm.EntityId=L.Id))
      if @countLanguage=1
        set @LanguageId=0

    My site it using your plugin, and i noticed that this sporc returns Name of category with languageId = 0.
    So the sproc always gets into this if
    if @countLanguage=1
        set @LanguageId=0

    My problem is solved just by removing this, or set set @LanguageId=@LanguageId.

    Is there any particular reason to have this check, when do i want to set LanguageId to 0?
    6 years ago

    Hi, is there any update on this?

    6 years ago

    Hi, I can't see any support for mobile view with these filters.
    Is there any solution to this or do I need to make it my self?

    My best regards / Robin

    6 years ago

    Nice, i appreciate it a lot!
    The upgrade process is it only to change the .dll file? Or is there som major changes in the views as well?

    6 years ago

    Yes i assume we have to add it manually. The problem for me is how do i access the attribute from commentBox, because that is some SimpleCheckout Specific attribute.

    6 years ago

    This is a custom plugin Klarna checkout

    The thing is that this plugin has its own placeOrder. And when i place a order with example some standard methods, the attribute is inserted in some magic way on the order. But not when this plugin trigger the placeOrder function.

    See row 465 here

    After that order is placed i could manually add the CheckoutAttributeDescription on the order, but i need to access the information the customer added.

    My best regards / Robin

    6 years ago

    It has to be somewhere when you call PlaceOrder function you update the order somehow.

    What should I add after this has been processed.

    var placeOrderResult = _orderProcessingService.PlaceOrder(processPaymentRequest);

    6 years ago

    Hi, thanks for a fast reply!

    I am currently using version 3.9.

    My problem is that with some paymentmethods the comment is from a customer is erased. Do you have any idea of what could be wrong?

    Best regards / Robin

    6 years ago

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