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Profile: jens


    Ok, thank you for all help!

    7 years ago

    It looks like the problem was access problem to the file feed.xml. I gave iis_iusrs modify rights and then the feed list works. Maybe there are some other file i also should check access rights to? I use Azure and i use ftp to put the file on the web server, then i unzip it directly in the plugin folder.

    7 years ago

    Now i have uninstalled the old plugin, download a new file from your site (version 3.50). Copy the files exactly as is under the folder 3.50 in the zip, restart the site and install the plugin again. No success exactly same problem.

    Another strange thing i can see, is that your plugin creates a new main menu right of the help menu in nop. Maybe its nothing to worry about, but no other plugin we have installed creates there own main menu...

    7 years ago

    Trying a new image link:

    7 years ago

    Thank you for your answer. Its look like this when i click the add button

    Cant see i can choose a feed type here...

    7 years ago


    I just installed FoxNetSoft.FeedManager but i can just see 9 different feeds to choose between. In the FeedSchema folder i can see a lot more feeds (87 files). I have Nop 3.5 installed.

    I wondering if i missed something, why cant i configure more feeds?

    7 years ago

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