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    I'll check it.

    8 years ago

    1. I thought about custom XML feed format, but I don't know how to do it. I'll think again.

    2. I get products from SQL Server using stored procedure. I'll think over your suggestion to add SQL condition too.

    8 years ago

    Thank you for suggestions, I'll do it.

    8 years ago

    You must enabled reward points and set the positive value for PointsForRegistration.

    //Add reward points for customer registration (if enabled)
    rewardPointsSettings.Enabled &&
                        rewardPointsSettings.PointsForRegistration > 0

    8 years ago

    Yes. Customer will have Reward Points.
    Try before buying.

    8 years ago

    1. Error. Cann't export product Id=712, errorMessage='', hexadecimal value 0x03, is an invalid character.

    Try to change product description for product with Id=712. You should  remove this char.

    You can try to remove this special char using this TSQL script.

    update Product
    set FullDescription=replace(FullDescription,'',''),

    I think you added this char when you updated/inserted product's description from another program... You couldn't add it manually.

    2. •
    We used mapping for all special HTML symbols in old my versions. But Google allows to upload only several HTML symbols...
    I decided to remove all special HTML symbols in my last release, because customers like to add any HTML symbols ...

    For example these symbols are allowed

    But I removed them too...
    I'll think over it, maybe I'll change code back... or create 2 lists "allowed symbols" and "disallowed symbols".

    8 years ago

    I didn't any errors now.
    I see that you will try export 626 products.

    Don't forget to select Default taxonomy category for Google feed. You can select taxonomy category per Nop category and per Nop product too.

    Google doesn't allow to export products without taxonomy category. You can select it on first tab.

    Try and write me about result.

    8 years ago

    I haven't any ideas.

    1. Backup database and run this TSQL script into your database

    from UrlRecord
    where EntityName='Product' and LanguageId=0 and IsActive=1
      and Id not in
        (select TOP 1 WITH TIES U.Id
        from UrlRecord U WITH (NOLOCK)
        where U.EntityName='Product' and U.LanguageId=0 and U.IsActive=1  

    2. Replace dll file from this archive And restart your site.
    Try to generate Feed file. I added a new message after Read SEO Slug. start.

    Write me about result.

    Can I call you on Skype?
    8 years ago

    1. Check plugin version (download new version from our site again).
    2. Open the Global.asax in site root folder and add spacebar to the end of the file. Maybe IIS reads old dll file.
    3. write me about result.

    Write about result. I'll wait.
    Last fix must help you.

    Otherwise I'll write simple TSQL and you will remove double Slug.

    8 years ago

    How to install and configure the module in the online store.

    or read our documentation link

    8 years ago

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