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Profile: Support


    You didn't understand.
    This message will be hidden if plugin is registered.
    This message isn't for customers.

    7 years ago

    We use wrong name for this parameter and we'll change it in the next  release.
    But you should rename this parameter back.  IsRegisted

    7 years ago

    I enabled message for productdetails_top and productdetails_bottom.
    And I have seen two messages.

    Can you send me the file ProductTemplate.Simple.cshtml from themes folder by e-mail?

    7 years ago

    Version 1.16 - June 08, 2016

    + added new feature Fax number

    7 years ago

    I'll this feature.

    7 years ago

    I don't know, but this method is in standart NopCommerce kernel libraries.

    1. Download the new version of plugin from our site (download from the product page).

    2. Replace plugin folder (all files), you needn't uninstall and install plugin.
    3. Open the Global.asax in site root folder and add spacebar to the end of the file. After it IIS recreates internal cache.
    4. Try it.
    5. Write me about result.

    7 years ago

    I think you must add your code to the file Completed.cshtml from your themes folder.


    @model CheckoutCompletedModel
    @using Nop.Web.Models.Checkout;
    @using Nop.Core.Infrastructure;
    @using Nop.Services.Orders;
        Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_ColumnsOne.cshtml";

        var checkoutEmail = "";
        var checkoutTotal = decimal.Zero;
        var order = EngineContext.Current.Resolve<IOrderService>().GetOrderById(Model.OrderId);
        if (order!=null)
            checkoutEmail = order.Customer.Email;
            checkoutTotal = order.OrderTotal;
    <span id='_GUARANTEE_GuaranteeSpan'></span>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="//********"></script>
    <script type='text/javascript'>
        if(window._GUARANTEE && _GUARANTEE.Loaded) {
            _GUARANTEE.Hash = '*******************************************';
            _GUARANTEE.Guarantee.order = '@Model.OrderId';
        _GUARANTEE.Guarantee.subtotal = '@checkoutTotal'; = '@checkoutEmail';
        _GUARANTEE.WriteGuarantee('JavaScript', '_GUARANTEE_GuaranteeSpan');
    <!-- END: NSG_GUARANTEE -->
    <div class="page checkout-page order-completed-page">
        <div class="page-title">
    7 years ago

    How to install and configure the module in the online store.

    or read our documentation link

    7 years ago

    Here you can discuss plug-in operation.

    7 years ago

    Here you can order a new plug-in functionality.

    7 years ago

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