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Profile: tomsuoyai


    and i would like make sure,

    if it is computer and notebook, main category and sub-category,

    I only want to list on computer and not on the notebook, even they are similar but i need to add check box on the sub-category

    9 years ago

    Support wrote:

    1. Create the new  Content block for widget productdetails_bottom and add Youtube code.
    2. Add category  Computers.

    Open subcategory Accessories ( Computers /Accessories ).
    Open any products from subcategory Accessories.
    You will see Youtube video after product description.

    Please describe your steps.

    thank for the reply, so quick, thanks.

    i am trying to make a complicated menu like the left menu below

    but i do not know how to make it in detail, there is a part as widget productdetails_bottom for this part in the plugin?

    thank a lot...
    9 years ago

    i am trying to use the plugin, and got a problem: category mapping wrong

    wood chair is a sub category of chair, but when i select chair as  category mapping, it auto selected wood chair as category mapping, can i just select the chair not include wood chair.

    i tried nop-temple, they do not have the problem.

    or i need a lot of time and not good for boss....

    9 years ago

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